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This series begins on May 23, 2022, and ends on June 13, 2022, with sessions each Monday.

Sessions begin at 10:00 AM  and end at 11:30 AM.

Sessions will take place at River Edge Farm 1575 River Road, Bedminster, NJ  07921

Women’s Wellness

The Women’s Wellness program takes place for 90 minutes one day a week for 6 weeks.

We limit the group to 6 participants.

Our Women’s Wellness program is designed around horse experiences (no riding) including a focus on the breath. Benefits from this program include but are not limited to becoming more:

  • Balanced
  • Present
  • Reflective
  • Empowered
  • Social
  • Self-Aware
  • Confident


Please read our COVID PROTOCOL on the Contact Us link.

Notes: You will be on a working farm. It is suggested you wear closed-toe shoes that don’t mind dirt! You may wish to bring a hat, gloves, and water. Our horses all have special dietary needs so we do not feed treats. Thank you…

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